


Pnakya specializes in industrial water treatment Chemicals & Equipment in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh and works to meet the needs of a variety of industries in a responsible and high-quality manner.

We provide cutting-edge products and know-how to help your facility achieve its objectives, whether you need water treatment chemicals and complete treatment systems, environmentally friendly industrial cleaners and sanitizers, pulp and paper chemicals, or technical services for water treatment. We are your go-to source for comprehensive water treatment solutions.


We want to make sure your facility runs as smoothly and effectively as possible. A professional will collaborate with you and your team to fulfil objectives, cut operational costs, and get the best return on your investments in chemical and water treatment equipment.

We offer a variety of water-dependent operations chemicals, systems, equipment, services, and solutions for industrial and municipal water treatment, including:

Industrial cooling tower chemicals

Heat transfer is how cooling towers operate. Water is continuously pumped through the system and exposed to the air as it enters the cooling tower after being heated by industrial processes, which causes evaporation. The water’s temperature is lowered sufficiently as a result enabling it to be used for cooling and recirculation. Of course, the water supply must be regularly refilled in order to maintain this cycle of evaporation. However, the water that is pumped into the cooling system is frequently contaminated, which can lead to corrosion and scaling. These problems are addressed and prevented by the chemicals that water treatment firms use.

What Chemicals Are Used to Treat the Water in Cooling Towers?

The sort of cooling tower you have and the calibre of the water being supplied into the system, among other things, will determine the best chemical mixture to utilise in your facility. Typically, the following methods are used to treat water for cooling towers:

  • Scale and corrosion inhibitors
  • Treatment using a closed system
  • Biocides
  • Organic dispersants
  • Chlorine dioxide.

Water can also be treated before it enters a system using pre-treatments like water softeners and deacidifiers.

Industrial RO plants

Reverse Osmosis is a reliable and efficient method for creating water that is appropriate for many industrial applications that call for deionized or demineralized water. The RO permeate’s quality can be improved with additional post-treatment following the RO system, such as mixed bed deionization, making it appropriate for the most demanding applications. An RO system must be properly pre-treated and monitored in order to avoid expensive repairs and unforeseen upkeep. Your RO system should deliver high purity water for many years if it is designed properly, has a maintenance schedule, and is supported by knowledgeable service personnel.

Raw water treatment

Most utility operations require that raw water be treated or clarified before being used as makeup water. Clarification helps avoid system scale, corrosion, and fouling by removing dissolved and suspended particles, bacteria, and other types of pollutants.

The Raw Water Treatment System efficiently and effectively removes dangerous substances from the site feed water, including bacteria, dissolved chemicals, colloidal particles, and suspended solids. Effective treatment increases plant operability and reduces the need for upkeep associated with fresh water systems.

Using Metso Outotec screens, the process’ first phase eliminates bigger pollutants from the supply water. The last polishing filtration phase ensures the appropriate water quality for the various process stages before the water is treated in a chemi-mechanical manner to eliminate hazardous elements.

Corrosion management

A type of water treatment called corrosion treatment prevents corrosion in plumbing systems made of different materials, including rustproof steel, carbon steel, copper, and aluminium.

Because many drinking water and process water transporting pipelines use different metals, such as rustproof steel, carbon steel, copper, and aluminium, as well as because of poorly conditioned water, they frequently experience corrosion issues in open or closed ring pipes, as well as during cooling and heating processes.

Industrial boiler chemicals

Boilers are frequently used in industrial steam plants and combined steam and power facilities, also referred to as cogeneration plants, to produce high-quality steam and electric power. These boilers are essential to producing energy effectively because they are the centre of the facility. It is possible for equipment to be damaged, the plant to incur unplanned downtime, and energy production to be incredibly inefficient if pollutants enter the boiler feedwater or corrosion forms inside the boiler. To maximise boiler output and avoid these issues, a boiler system must be kept free of pollutants and corrosion.

Bio fuels

For biomass operations like food production, fermentations, pyrolysis, and biodiesel generation to be successful, water management is essential. The benefit of clean water is being recognised more and more. The quality of water affects its value. Even areas with an abundance of fresh water resources face issues with drinkable water and garbage management. Water-related problems can put a production in jeopardy.

There have been cases where finished projects have been abandoned because of problems with water disposal. By using correct design and implementation, significant savings are often feasible for many projects. There are a hundred different ways to treat water. They are frequently used in conjunction and through several stages. To create pure water, sophisticated cleaning procedures are frequently necessary.

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