


H2OTREAT-162 is an environmentally friendly liquid oxidizing microbicide formulation that releases chlorine on hydrolysis. H2OTREAT-162 exhibits functional synergism with H2OTREAT-111. The combination has broad spectrum of microbicide activity and provides excellent microbe control even in highly contaminated systems. Combination of H2OTREAT-162 & H2OTREAT-111 in cooling water treatment program ensures algae, biofouling & biocorrosion free system, clean condensers and smooth system operation.


  • H2OTREAT-162 exhibits broad spectrum of activity and is equally effective against algae, bacteria and fungi.
  • Unlike conventional chlorine releasing compounds, H2OTREAT-162 does not lead to buildup of calcium hardness or suspended solids in the system.
  • H2OTREAT-162 is a safe and user friendly biocide formulation due to its ease of application, handling and storage.
  • H2OTREAT-162 is compatible with most of the commonly used Cooling water additives i.e. scale and corrosion inhibitors, polymers and non-oxidizing biocides.
  • H2OTREAT-162 in combination with H2OTREAT-111 controls microbial fouling even in highly contaminated systems and achieves effective microbe control in alkaline environment as well as in systems contaminated with ammonia and organic amines. The duo is most suited for today’s alkaline cooling water treatment regime.
  • H2OTREAT-162 is an environmentally acceptable product and has good biodegradability profile. At application level complies with industrial discharge regulations.
  • H2OTREAT-162 is completely miscible with water therefore dosing is easy and homogeneous mixing is ensured.
  • H2OTREAT-162 can be readily analysed at use concentration at site itself. This helps in maintaining optimal residuals concentration in the system.


The quantity and application procedure for H2OTREAT-162 is recommended by company’s technical experts on the basis of:

  • Chlorine Demand of circulation water.
  • Biofouling potential in system.
  • Operating conditions and operational requirements of the system.

The required quantity is fed into the cooling water system either through gravity dosing or using continuous dosing pump as per the recommendations of company’s technical expert.


  • Though H2OTREAT-162 is not a hazardous chemical, it may cause irritation to sensitive skin. In such a case, flush the exposed portion with plenty of clean cold water and seek medical advice.
  • Keep the container closed when not in use.
  • Keep away from direct heat.


H2OTREAT-162 is normally packed in 50 kg. Jerry Cans. For bulk supplies other convenient packing can be organized on specific demand.


In order to ensure maximum efficiency, H2O CONSULTANT & ENGINEERS provides professional after-sales service which includes frequent analysis of water and appropriate suggestions from technical experts of the company.

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