


H2OTREAT-1026 is a specially formulated corrosion inhibitor that relies on stabilized zinc-phosphate chemistry to provide protection to metallurgies commonly used in cooling water systems over a wide range of water chemistry.

The formulation is based on a blend of functionally synergistic, environmentally friendly cathodic and anodic species and yellow metal corrosion inhibitor. H2OTREAT-1026 in a cooling water treatment program ensures maximum metal protection, enhanced system life, and increased process efficiency.


H2OTREAT-1026 is a blend of stabilized cathodic and anodic inhibitors along with a chlorine-resistant yellow metal inhibitor that provides both ferrous and yellow metal corrosion control across the entire spectrum of water treatment applications. The formulation offers the following advantages:

  • Effective Corrosion Control: H2OTREAT-1026 effectively controls corrosion in multi-metal systems across a wide range of water chemistry. Stabilized cathodic & anodic inhibitors along with a yellow metal inhibitor in H2OTREAT-1026 form a tenacious film on metal surfaces which withstands system upsets and under dosing, etc.
  • Halogen Stability: H2OTREAT-1026 is stable in the presence of oxidizing biocides, which makes it an excellent performer even in halogenated systems.
  • Thermal and Hydrolytic Stability: Thermal and hydrolytic stability make H2OTREAT-1026 suitable for today’s alkaline cooling water treatment programs.
  • Environment Compatibility: H2OTREAT-1026 is an environmentally acceptable product and at application level complies with industrial discharge regulations.
  • Ease of Dosage: H2OTREAT-1026 is completely miscible with water, therefore dosing is easy and homogeneous mixing is ensured.
  • Easy Monitoring: H2OTREAT-1026 can be easily analyzed at use concentration on-site. This helps in maintaining optimal inhibitor concentration in the system.


The dosage of H2OTREAT-1026 is recommended by the company’s technical experts on the basis of the corrosion potential of water and the operating conditions of the cooling water system. The required quantity is fed into the cooling tower tank, preferably as a dilute solution (10% v/v) either directly or through a continuous dosing pump.


  • Though H2OTREAT-1026 is not a hazardous chemical, it may cause irritation to sensitive skin. In such a case, flush the exposed portion with plenty of clean cold water and seek medical advice.
  • Keep the container closed when not in use.
  • Keep away from direct heat.


H2OTREAT-1026 is normally packed in 50 kg jerry cans. For bulk supplies, other convenient packing can be organized on specific demand.


In order to ensure maximum efficiency, H2OCONSULTANT & ENGINEERS provides professional after-sales service, which includes frequent analysis of water and appropriate suggestions from technical experts of the company.

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